> Daredevil Visionaries Volume 3

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From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"You need me, Kingpin. You need Turk - - your new assassin - - the new Stilt Man!"

- Turk, to the Kingpin, pg. 13

It's always been fun watching Turk take a fall, but never more fun than now!

(Click panels for larger images.)


Daredevil #186
September 1982 • 22 pages

Script: Frank Miller • Letters: Joe Rosen
Pencils: Frank Miller • Inks: Klaus Janson

Title: "Stilts"

Villain: Spindle, Turk/Stilt Man, Kingpin, Flint

Guest Appearance: Heather Glenn, Melvin Potter, Foggy Nelson, Becky Blake, Wilbur Day, Maxine Lavender, Lt. Nick Manolis

Letters Page: Not in supply. Want to donate? Email me!

Synopsis: As Daredevil heads toward Glenn Industries, he's watched by a mystery man who is on his way there also. Once DD arrives, he's in time to hear Heather Glenn standing up to Mr. Spindle, the loathsome CEO of her father's company. She wants the company to cease its involvement in illegal activities. Spindle talks back to her, but Daredevil is there to remind him that he will be watching. After Heather leaves, Spindle talks to his new hire- Stilt Man- who he tasks to remove evidence showing their complicity in illegal arms dealing from the DA's office. When counting his cash payment from Spindle, Stilt Man drops his glove to the ground.

At Melvin Potter's costume shop, Turk shows up trying to convince him to become the Gladiator once more and team up with him. He refuses, saying that part of his life is behind him. The mystery man shows up, asking Potter if he has a glove in stock to replace one he lost. Turk recognizes him as the Leap Frog, but the man denies that is who he is, but Turk follows him to check out his story.

Foggy shows up and sees Becky and Matt working late into the night. Matt is putting together a brief that will implicate the board of Glenn Industries in all kinds of nefarious activity. Foggy is concerned that Matt is breaching his job as a defense attorney, as well as thinking perhaps it has something to do with his feelings for Heather. But while Foggy is speaking, Matt becomes overwhelmed with the sense of deafening sound. After a bit of concentration, the painful sensation goes away.

Daredevil visits the office of DA Maxine Lavender and hands her some files that will help her build a case against the Glenn Industries board.

As the man who possesses the Stilt Man suit ponders over how to improve it, Turk has followed him home and sneaks inside, batting him on the head with a pipe. He then dons the suit and heads directly to the Kingpin, offering his services as his new assassin. Kingpin rejects him, saying he doesn't hire idiots. After Turk leaves in a huff, trying to figure out a plan to impress the Kingpin, Wilson Fisk heads down to maintain a vigil with his sick wife, Vanessa.

Meanwhile, the inventor of the Stilt Man suit, Wilbur Day, is trying to get Lt. Nick Manolis interested in pursuing the return of his suit. Daredevil shows up and gets Wilbur's help in figuring out how to find his suit for him. Foggy and Heather dine out, where Heather wonders why Matt is so insistent on destroying her business, and she can only figure it's because he wants to make sure that the only thing left in her life is him.

Turk shows up at Maxine Lavender's office and grabs her, carrying her out her window. As he's threatening her not to prosecute Glenn Industries, she fights back, but he drops her. Daredevil swings down and grabs her, while Turk fires a gun at them. DD bounces up behind him and tells him Wilbur Day wants his suit back, rips some wires out of the Stilt Man power pack, and down Turk goes into a giant heap of metal, telescopic legs. The resultant crash causes Matt's hearing sensitivity to go wild again, but he recovers. It makes him nervous, though, wondering what is happening to him.

Matt meets with Heather at his office, telling her that Glenn Industries will be finished after the law is done with it, but that she will be free of any prosecution because of her "inexperience" and "incompetence." Heather, beaten down by his passive aggressive words, meekly tells him she'll marry him.

--synopsis by Gormuu

--panel images provided by Avengers Assemble

--letter pages provided by Aussie Stu

Issues Reprinted
Daredevil #183-191, What If #28, 35,
and Elektra from Bizarre Adventures #28

Click on cover image to learn more about each issue.

DD #183 DD #184 DD #185 DD #186 DD #187
DD #188 DD #189 DD #190 DD #191 WI #28
WI #35 BA #28


All cover images are courtesy of the Silver Age Marvel Comics Cover Gallery.

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.

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