> Daredevil Visionaries Volume 3

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From the Mouths of the Marvels:

"Seems to me you're forgetting something, Chubbs. I got me Daredevil, right in my pocket. And like the man said - - don't mess with me."

- "Guts" Nelson, to the Kingpin, pg. 21

Daredevil has another run-in with a radioactive isotope!

(Click panels for larger images.)


Daredevil #185
August 1982 • 22 pages

Script: Frank Miller • Letters: Joe Rosen
Pencils: Frank Miller • Inks: Klaus Janson

Title: "Guts"

Villain: Spindle, Eric Slaughter, Kingpin, Flint

Guest Appearance: Foggy "Guts" Nelson, Heather Glenn

Featured Thugs: Turk, Shiv, Louie, Filch, Greaser

Letters Page: Not in supply. Want to donate? Email me!

Synopsis: Daredevil talks to the reader and introduces the narrator of this issue's crime-noir story: Foggy Nelson.

Foggy is working a late night at the office when Heather Glenn walks in. She confides in him some things she can't bring herself to tell Matt, for fear of what he'd say. She tells Foggy she's worried about shady deals Glenn Industries is making with a plastic explosives manufacturer. Matt walks in and senses that Heather has been in distress, but Foggy blames it on her allergies and hurries her out of the room so they can further talk in private. Matt knows something's going on, and he dons his Daredevil costume and follows.

While standing on the ledge outside the Glenn Industries boardroom, DD overhears Mr. Spindle informing Heather and Foggy that she signed documents allowing the interaction between her company and the weapons makers, so she is as deep in this as they. Later, Foggy's impulse is to call the police and get them involved, but Heather doesn't want to see her father's company driven into the ground. Foggy promises her that he'll figure it all out and get to the bottom of it.

His next few days are spent being given the red-tape runaround at several bureaucratic agencies. Getting nowhere, Foggy is possessed to hit the city underworld to see if he can find out about Spindle's dirty dealings. Nobody is willing to do anything but treat him like a clown, but he finally makes it into an audience with Eric Slaughter. He identifies himself as "Guts" Nelson, and questions Slaughter on his possible involvement with plastic explosives. Slaughter tells Turk and Grotto to kill him.

But just then, the lights go out! Daredevil, tracing his friend's steps, has entered the fray, taking all the thugs out in quick fashion. When the lights are turned on, Daredevil is nowhere to be seen, but Foggy is sitting atop a pile of bodies. Slaughter tells Turk to shoot "Guts", but Turk figures "Guts" is a new breed of muscle and he tells Slaughter he's working for him now! DD can't believe what he's hearing.

Turk rushes "Guts" over to meet with the Kingpin, sure he'll want to take on this great new talent he found. After the Kingpin finds out from his men that a ship was exploded using plastic explosives, Turk tells him that he's found him a new hitman since Bullseye and Elektra got taken out of the picture. Foggy freezes up in the presence of the Kingpin, wondering what it is he's gotten himself into! Daredevil is down at the city docks where the ship exploded, watching the Kingpin's men seize the cargo. He immediately takes them on, but one of the thugs tosses a cargo box full of explosives at Daredevil and it carries him down into the water. The radioactive explosives detonate when they hit bottom, and send DD back up through the water column with incredible concussive force.

The Kingpin is told by Turk that "Guts" took out twelve of Slaughter's men single-handedly. When Kingpin gets word that his theft of the radioactive explosives was take out by Daredevil, for a moment he thinks that "Guts" was possibly behind it, but then dismisses it. But Daredevil grabs ahold of the walkie talkie and sends the message to the Kingpin to stay away from "Guts" Nelson. Thus emboldened, Foggy puffs a cloud of cigar smoke into the Kingpin's face and tells him that he's got Daredevil in his right pocket. The Kingpin is slightly humbled and allows Foggy to leave, with Turk tagging along as if he's found God.

Foggy tells Turk they're going to go to Chicago on business, but it's just a duck. Once they're seated in the plane, "Guts" tells him he has to go to the bathroom and then ditches him on the plane alone. Turk is heading to Chicago and "Guts" has made it through this whole episode unscathed, with more than a little help from his friend Daredevil.

--synopsis by Gormuu

--panel images provided by Avengers Assemble

--letter pages provided by Aussie Stu

Issues Reprinted
Daredevil #183-191, What If #28, 35,
and Elektra from Bizarre Adventures #28

Click on cover image to learn more about each issue.

DD #183 DD #184 DD #185 DD #186 DD #187
DD #188 DD #189 DD #190 DD #191 WI #28
WI #35 BA #28


All cover images are courtesy of the Silver Age Marvel Comics Cover Gallery.

Website design by Doug Roberts and John Thomas. All images on this site are copyright of Marvel Comics. This site is for reference purposes and promotion of the Masterworks line of books as well as Marvel Comics and their properties.

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